sunshine just makes me feel better! Little yellow horse really enjoying upturn in weather. Got his coat off, brushed out a heap of dead hair from him last night, which will benefit all local birds building nests! Customers at salt mines all happy and cheerful because there's sunshine, not showers, making working day pass much more pleasantly. Large group gathered for Round Table Annual summer ball in 4 weeks time. Looking forward to it very much. Will I need a new dress? Thinking about it. Am also wearing and then throwing away all those horrible clothes that seem to have accumulated in the wardrobe over-winter. Closely associated with the wearing of vests and combinations, they seem to comprise bobbly jumpers, baggy trousers, torn jackets, and overly large tee shirts. Its one last wear guys, then off to the bin with you. Luckily, this technique leaves plenty of space on the rails for the purchase of replacements (which I have obviously had for just ages dear!). Its quite a cathartic procedure, and the anticipation of the shopping and spending also adds an element of wickedness that I am enjoying.
Day off next week is taking us to Sheffield for an outing. To collect a rebuilt eternity ring of which I am very fond, and to look for a new watch which is proving to be slightly more challenging. Always enjoy a trip to Yorkshire - half the county are on holiday at the salt mines, and I'm making the most of it and nosing around their home town! The old man will be piloting the vehicle, and therefore I shall have a relaxing journey in the land of nod. Perfect.
Eldest still beavering away at Chartered Surveyors. Sheep gave him the run-around yesterday, and girl with red paint marking spray mistook him for a ewe and liberally applied red paint to the cuffs of his lovely shirt! Hoping it washes out as easily from his sleeves as it does from sheep fleece. He's clearing a property today ready for contents auction. Its all go for him. Youngest half way through Easter school hols, and trying to revise, though coming up with quite extra-ordinary excuses to keep him away from his studying! He has sent a chq to a friend who is going to organise a (scary) lads holiday to Budapest after the exams. May the gods watch over Budapest (and all my lovely boys) during the onslaught!
Little dogs thriving. They have developed a new walking technique with the youngest boy. He dons his roller blades, hitches up the pups, and they drag him at extremely high speed around a 3 mile circular course. Tires all concerned. Will try to film a clip if I can be at home when it occurs! Not sure about safety aspects of this enterprise, but enjoyment probably worth risks?
Must press on with washing at salt mines, which is slightly preferably to toilet cleaning at this juncture....