4 weeks old today! They are growing so fast you can practically see it happening. Can now get out of their 'box' in the house, so have been demoted to the stable full time. They are running all over, sniffing everything and fighting merrily. Still being provided with calories by their mother, they are trying pup food every day, but it is not as good as the stuff their parent provides. Teeth and attitude have arrived. Also endless puppy pooh and quantities of wee!!!! Not all gorgeous I can tell you.
Busy, sweaty and mad at work, these three weeks are horrible. All huge families and hot, tired travellers. Looking forward to the end of the 'silly season' and return to normal guests! We are full, despite the determination of callers to discover a hidden vacancy which has not been owned up to...." no vacancies in a caravan then?" "No, sorry, we are completely full". "What about a cottage then?" "No, sorry we are full." "An apartment perhaps?" "No sorry, full up I'm afraid." "Oh, a bungalow perhaps?" "No, still as full as we were 10 seconds ago..." And horror stories from poor flea bitten travellers who have booked in to less than clean accommodation (I found it in the local papershop window) (it belongs to a man at work) (a friend told me about it, and it was cheap), and who are now looking for something clean and confortable, and can't get their money back from the shark who has taken it.
Mor cheerily, the yellow horse got new shoes today, so I guess he will be going out for a walk to try them out later.