The new signs have just been delivered for placement at the salt mines entrance, and to replace the rather scruffy and worn existing boards. Quite pleased with them and hoping they will attract one or two more passers-by to explore our holiday options! Man and dogs taken on Sunday morning, bright and early, at Snipe Dales Country Park. A few years ago it would have been man, woman and two small boys being worn out to ensure a quiet and peaceful Sunday afternoon. Principle the same, but now trying to run the legs off two small and energetic balls of fur aka 'the girls'. Some participants were exhausted by all the activity, and needed extra naps, but it was not the dogs, obviously. We took the 'olds' out for lunch on same Sunday. They never really like this option as no-one gives them two plated meals each to take home and eat later, so always some mild complaining that I didn't cook and produce. Get used to it, season now here, and I cook even less often than usual! Tuesday (day off) found big boy and me off to Melton Mowbray cattle market at 6.30am (yawn) to buy fertile eggs for the incubator, which SHOULD hatch just in time for easter chicks for Reception at salt mines. These poor chicks will be cuddled and squeezed by the guests for a few days, then returned to the peace and quiet of farm life. If they hatch. Some doubt, as the first incubator hatch provided only one chick on Monday, out of about 60 eggs. Temperature issues probably. Sadly it was a cockerel chick. We bought about 6 dozen eggs at Melton auction and also two well grown greengage saplings, so some good should come of the outing in the long term. The big boy and I cannot be trusted with money in our pockets and an entire live cattle mart to go at. It was nothing short of a miracle that we were not trying to crush a couple of young heifers into the back of the Skoda too, along with the trees. It would appear that we are as bad as each other when it comes to spontaneous purchases of the agricultural kind. Also some sheep looking like they needed bidding for, but we resisted. On our way home from Melton we called in at the hospital to spring an 'old' from A&E (well that's what it felt like), and took same for slap-up late lunch and buckets of tea as a guaranteed treatment and cure for national health assessment times. Then, to complete a very tiring day off, called at tyre garage with big boy's car to check balance and tracking, and, as always, too late - so needed two new front tyres as an added treat. Luckily, as he is working, he paid for that little lot himself, and learned the hard lesson that when your steering wheel vibrates, it is a sign that you need to see the tyre man, not an invitation to ignore the symptom and keep driving around for weeks.....
Skipper the wonder horse probably needs to see his manicurist shortly, when I can find time to make the booking, and is otherwise chilled and cheerful. Have moved his cob neighbour back into a separate paddock, so Skip's food is no longer being stolen by the black beast, and we are able to get in and out of his field without lots of shouting, and a stick. Peace has returned.
Some A level results are coming in today for youngest, I am awaiting a text with trepidation. He MUST do well to boost his chances of taking up his place at Leicester University, so it was a bit tense this morning. Fingers crossed.
Off to see Fascinating Aida in Lincoln on Saturday evening. Its their 25th year together, and something of an anniversary tour. I saw them 23 years ago in London, and still remember how clever and sharp they were, so hope age and maturity has not dulled their edge.
Having consulted the calendar it would appear that we have a few weeks grace coming up, with less bookings for outings and events. This will mean more nap time, and might also add up to a slightly less grumpy person (me)... ever hopeful. If my tetchiness does not improve with rest it could mean that it is a middle-aged character trait for me. Oh dear.
As soon as the weather improves am hoping to push off with the beaten up old touring caravan for a few days in Derbyshire eating out and sleeping late. This will add to the waistline, and also deduct from the bank balance, but the net result should be a sunny temper. Bring on the warmer weather please.
wow-you certainly have been busy! I think I'd have a hard time resisting agricultural purchases too. I'm impressed you resisted the sheep!
How did the exam results turn out for younger boy?
AAAC. The C was in Biology, and was 2 marks off a B - which he needed. Hoping next exam is better. Otherwise thrilled!
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