On the way down, and just for good measure, my brother gave the bucket a very good shaking to see if he could dislodge the two of us. He was unsuccessful. My Dad thought it was hilarious. He was also disappointed that we liberated the kite (available at any £1 sop - price £1!) because he wanted to recycle it....who for I have no idea! It has flown off to pastures new and will hopefully sink into the sea without trace. If it crashes on your head I am very sorry.
Little yellow horse has pulled off a front shoe (probably during the terrible thunder storm on Sunday evening), and so is on gardening leave for a day or two until the farrier can squeeze us into his busy diary. The brown spaniel grows fatter by the day - we hope that means she is in pup. Its either that or she is over-eating shockingly, and will soon not be able to walk!
A levels are full steam ahead (two today) for baby boy, and big boy rural chartered surveying happily. He's just had two days deer stalking in Dumfries, Scotland (in torrential rain) and though he didn't shoot anything he had a great time, and really enjoyed the outing. He goes to college there in about 8 weeks to study Fish Farming as an HNC for 36 weeks.
Busy with Accountants this week (deep joy) but hoping for early release for good behaviour by Friday. Should be my Sunday off work this week, and I can hardly wait.
I thought you meant Kite... I was all excited at the thought of you saving a bird of prey and now I find out it was a dull children's toy.....I guess as a blogger we work with what we get. Still on the plus side you got to ride in a bucket.....Not sure I can condone the littering of the coastline with cheap plastic rubbish.
and you are right about the littering, since I muttered 'let it go' I have experienced sporadic guiltiness at my careless littering of land/sea. Pass me the hair shirt
Kite? Overhead lines? Danger Will Robinson! I'm sure there's something in the kite instructions warning you about this. OK I guess the apple picker is a fibreglass double-insulated pole...
many thanks for your kind concern, the line is an old telephone wire! We had a long discussion about dying of electricity - and decided we would be safe, for a very slim definition of safe! It was a hoot....
sounds just like a brother, trying to shake you out of the bucket! Hope you punched him when you got on firm ground!
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