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Friday 2 April 2010

Easter Chix

These little girls and boys hatched over past 48 hours. Flung into car this morning and now at attention for squeezing by guests over easter. Survivors coming home again on Easter Monday! Hoping thats all of them as they are quite the prettiest bunch of chix we have had for a long time.

Good Friday morning 10am. Rain falling, breeze blowing. Pass the pina colada....

My garden. More blooms to show it really is spring time. All evidence of spring being gathered assiduously, as, without close scrutiny, it would appear to still be winter.


BlackLOG said...

So are all the chicks going to be called dinner?

Cathryn said...

Well statistically it will be half of them - all the boys... obviously all the girls much more useful, and will be retained for egg laying!

Anonymous said...

How are the chicks-did they survive the Easter fondling?

Cathryn said...

Hi Janet! Sadly one chick has gone to a better place, anyone's guess whether it was squeezing, or natural causes. I brought them home a day early as they were very, very poular at work, and they deserved a break. Remainder are thriving, eating, drinking and scrapping, just like children!