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Thursday 9 September 2010

A level news

The baby boy achieved two A grades and a C grade. The C grade was almost a B, just one mark off. He would receive a £1000 bursary from University with AAB, therefore the school advised that the paper should be re-marked. There is a small charge for this, and the risk is that some more marks are deducted. Nevertheless, he paid the £30 and the paper was duly submitted for reassessment. Today the school telephoned. They said they had never had such a large differential in marks - he has received another 5 marks for his Biology paper, taking him from a C grade well into B territory! There is also no charge for the service as the error was on the part of the exam marker. He is ABSOLUTELY DELIGHTED! And the University confirm that he will now receive the Bursary. Hooray. Every little helps!! He is feeling on top of the world as an AAB student rather than an AAC student. Good for him!


Anonymous said...

That is wonderful! Just goes to show that having tests double-checked pays off.

Cathryn said...

a bit scandalous though that the first marker was so far out. He might have missed his Uni place completely which would have been very disappointing. Alls well that ends well though.

BlackLOG said...

Send congratulations from Mr & Mrs B. I feel I tought him everything he doesn't know....

Cathryn said...

Frankly Mr B, we attribute the uplift in the Grade to you alone! We are well aware that you are responsible for all the A level marking and grades in the country.... there is much he has learned from you, such as eating licked sweets, only drinking fizzy pop, keeping the top down on the car in all weathers etc etc, but I don't know how much influence skills such as these had on his exam results. All useful stuff though, of course.

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