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Friday 30 January 2009

wheelbarrows & watercolours

The pears are last night's night-class effort its funny how technique slips away when practice halted (as with all things). The blue wheelbarrow was my biggest and best Christmas present! It holds at least 2 normal barrows full, and because it has two front wheels, when necessary it can be pushed along with one hand - a real benefit when hands are full of forks and shovels. It is one of the best gifts I have ever received, and when the sea comes over I shall erect a sail and float over the ocean in it, or alternatively, I shall use it as a holiday home when my tourer springs a leak and becomes unuseable! Its probably big enough to accommodate an entire family in comfort, and I know you already want one. The other bits of art are from the youngest son's GCSE Art folder, finally located on school premises and returned home today. Luckily he's not doing an art A level - rubbish teaching at his school. Have had a luxurious day off today, just a glimpse of supermarket, clean of the car, lighting of the fire...the rest involves Zzzzzzzzzs


Anonymous said...

Yes, I want your wheelbarrow! and it's blue!! I wish I got wonderful gifts like that. I like things I can actually USE, as opposed to cut flowers that wilt and die, or things I have to dust. ;-)

I like your pears, and the white flower. I wish I could draw and paint but that's something that has to be taught, and I didn't get much instruction when I was at school, and it's something that has to be practiced regularly in order to be good at it, just like anything else. I focused on writing instead, and I don't practice it as often as I should, so I'm not as good as I want to be. Must remedy that...after I get some more wine (though not till the sun goes over the yardarm.)

Cathryn said...

Dear Janet, I too dislike flowery gifts, wasted money, (unless it has roots and can go in the garden..) you are a lovely writer though, and entertaining too, not sure you need the wine though if you need the excuse go ahead and use it to get at the wine. Hope Spot's okay and the snow abating somewhat