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Sunday 5 July 2009

beautiful wrapping

It turns out that puppies are just beautifully presented bags of pooh, (think icing bags on legs) who are capable of an astonishing amount of poo for such small parcels. No more photos so far, too busy scooping that poop, but they are entertaining. Whether that's enough to balance the small puddles that are appearing every time my back is turned remains to be seen. Suffering also with 'fat' throat and horrible cough, also migraine weekend - nothing stops the pooper scooping though. Their tails are waggy and their teeth are sharp. Trying the BARF diet with the pups. Seems its a bit radical. They are eating raw tripe very finely minced. And bones. No more packaged dog food (which smells horrible) just raw meat. Will see how they grow and progress. They certainly prefer the raw tripe, leaving high quality processed food aside for the raw.

Horse did 6 miles early this morning before it was too hot. Flies still eating his nether regions, but some of the water retention has subsided so he looks more comfortable.

Must go, puppies pulling at my trousers.


Anonymous said...

The pups are adorable! Yes, I well remember Spot's razor-sharp puppy teeth that left scars on my hands and my clothes in shreds. I suppose the cuteness makes up for the never-ending poo and the chewed-up shoes.

Interesting that you're trying the BARF diet, I'm interested in seeing how that goes.

Names? unless I missed it... what are the names??

Cathryn said...

Names: Fudge & Treacle. Raw meat going well, comes free flow frozen in giant bags. NO smell to speak off and very pleasant to handle.

Anonymous said...

Except, perhaps, when said raw meat reappears in another form on the carpet? I'm wondering if it's any different from the form that appears when kibble is digested.

I can't believe I just wrote that, discussing the consistency of poo.

Cathryn said...

Now, Janet, as it happens, the poo on a raw meat diet is tiny, almost odourless, and very firm consistency. Surprising eh. Apparently its because raw meat is the'right' diet for a dog digestive system. Still going well.