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Monday 3 December 2012

halfway up the stairs....

Almost half-way through my degree. If I pass at Christmas! Have gathered together all this term's work, and am almost ready to present it for marking. Have handed in my written work, and begun researching a new body of work for January 2013. It's going to be an uncomfortable subject for some people. Those of a sensitive disposition look away now. Female genital mutilation. I'm going to make some art around this very difficult and emotive practice. No-one promised that my art would be either beautiful, or tame, so brace yourselves for a difficult set of images in the spring. Historically, artists have used their skill to shine a light on a multitude of issues - social, political, religious etc. So, if I can achieve it, I'm joining the Activism bandwagon. And if it makes just one viewer think about FGM, maybe it will be worthwhile. *sigh*. Just removing myself from my soapbox now.

Other news! Pups growing, new owners being regularly updated. Christmas shopping just about done, some baking required. Tree up on account of busy calendar. Cards written...... some addressing and posting may need to be achieved.......

I thought I had a stack of photos on this machine, with which to beautify this blog. Sadly, I can't seem to find them. Therefore....

That's all folks! X

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