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Tuesday 15 September 2009

calorie off-setting

My husband says, like carbon off-setting, if you eat a bagful of calories, but put a small donation into a famine relief charity box, your calorie intake won't count. This is so heartless I am embarrassed to write it, but he was quite pleased with the idea...perhaps he could try politics as a full time career. With ideas like this he could go a long way. Oh, wait a minute, our own Politicians got there before him with world stuff.

Yellow horse enjoyed the anti-inflammatories, though didn't seem to make a deal of difference. As a result, he's got some more! He will be thrilled. He's so very slightly not right that we only notice because we know him so well. Don't want you to think he's suffering. He's fat and fine. Would benefit from losing 75kg. He weighted in at the Vet's at 615kg, a huge amount for a small horse. He doesn't look fat, just full of muscle, but its heavy for those tiny hooves.

Enjoyed my day shopping with my big boy today. It made us laugh when we noticed quite a few other large teenage boys also shuffling around Next and TKMaxx with their mothers, intent on the same purpose, and not wanting anyone to notice this final raid on the family purse! Purchased a £40 bit of tat jewellery on a whim whilst out today (highly unusual behaviour) with which I am surprisingly pleased - but feeling very slightly guilty. Pass the lash when you've finished with it please....

1 comment:

kinkajou said...

Well, at least yellow horse is having a good time with all of this. A loopy horse, who knew it was possible?

I'm sorry but I had to laugh out loud at your husband's idea. Genius AND funny! But don't tell him I said that :-)