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Monday, 27 August 2012

Welcome to Hotel Wainfleet

Mr Black, the photographer, caught on film. A rare event. Normally he's the one taking sneaky snaps. Note the lush union jack jacket. I want one. Quite badly!
Mr & Mrs Black, trying to enjoy an afternoon outing to East Kirkby RAF Museum, on a drizzling afternoon, surrounded by half of Lincolnshire.The event took a turn for the better when we realised that we had not, after all,  missed the Battle of Britain air display, which proved to be wonderful.

The Lancaster and the Spitfire - just showing off

Lifted the bonnet on my car and what did I find? Not this, sadly. But I wish I had.
Spent Thursday in Butlins with the two scamps in the red and white hats. We had a whale of a time, and I can heartily recommend it as a day out for lively little people.
Here are the two little boys racing in their Zorbs. Very tiring, apparently....
And this is the beginning of a piece of art for skool. I'm quite excited about the process of its creation!
So, spent Thursday exploring Butlins with 7 year old twins, Friday cleaning with my sister's team at the caravan park and, later, welcoming 6 house guests at home, Saturday cleaning with my sister-in-law and nieces at their Park, and subsequently feeding the Big boy's multitude of guests and speeding them off to enjoy the nightlife of Bank Holiday Skegness. Spent the early hours of Sunday morning listening to the clanking of a bucket and the sound of beer sickness.....,  daylight hours then shared with a huddle of recovering young people, feeding them carefully and treating them gently. As they departed in early evening 4 more guests arrived for Sunday wine quaffing, and finally, this morning, two very welcome guests appeared for a day of chat and catchup. It. Has. Been. Busy.
If only it would DRY UP so that the harvest could be finished (a vain hope at the moment) all would be well in my world. The Baby Boy has zoomed off to spend his two days off with the lovely D and her family Darn Sarf leaving a trail of dirty washing and damp towels behind him.
Big boy still working at home, filling his time with maintenance jobs until the harvest/ploughing happens (could be some time).
Two girl dogs in season, James the poodle mad with passion and spending every waking moment as close as he can to each of them in turn. What heaven for him. It would appear that he may not be quite tall enough to 'do the job' without a box to stand on..... we shall see.
Dolls keep coming in. Every single one of them is sooooo welcome - if you are thinking of producing one, or halfway through production,  I want you to know that she will be very gratefully received if she makes it here. Very. Very.
I have drawn and cut out over 100 teeny white fabric mannequin shapes (with a tiny bit of help from my sis.) ready to attach them to a large white canvas. They are cut on different biases of the fabric so that they curl and curve in different ways, casting inconsistent and interesting shadows on the ground behind. There is a twist to the overall result, and you will have to wait until I post a picture, after it has been assessed at skool. I am really delighted with the progress of the 'doll project' so far, despite the fact that wielding the scissors for so long has caused a hot, red callus to swell up on my scissor finger!
Much to do this week also, including two more days cleaning up after holiday-makers and trying to get to London for the day for a Print Exhibition (how hard can it be to get a day off?). Therefore, and quite breathlessly, I bid you goodnight - XX

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