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Friday 16 October 2009

dirty girls

Last night the brown girl leapt into a filthy, black and sludgy dyke. Her excellent sister stayed well away. Therefore, I had to catch stinky, filthy brown dog, lassoo her, drag her home, hose off the worst outside, then lift her into the outside sink for a full shampoo. She did not appreciate any of this. The smell was terrible and made its way onto my skin. Terrible creature. They are growing and eating, eating and growing. And biting. And chewing.


BlackLOG said...

Take the advice of the local authority - give them a TV in their room and all the games that they can chew...No social interaction for a few months and they should be ready to launch on society...

Anonymous said...

Kids. What can you do? I agree about the TV. If you can get "Dog Whisperer" in the UK, it might scare them into behaving.