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Monday 22 August 2011

and the wheat comes in (sigh of relief)

About one third of the wheat is now in the shed. A neighbouring farmer, who was brave enough to dally with a devil in order to purchase his own combine harvester, is working all hours to bring in his own and the Farmer's wheat. Along with several other crops locally. The Big Boy is manfully driving tractor and trailer to bring the crop from harvester to store. The Farmer is backing the team the final few yards, tipping and organising the wheat in the store. What a mammoth task. Rushing like mad because the forecast is for rain tonight. The trails of straw are staying out, and will be rained upon, there is only so much the Farmer and the Big Boy can achieve in the time available. Believe I can hear thunder rumbling as I type. Eek.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the two girls are receiving less exercise than they consider is appropriate, and are feeling a bit sad and dejected.

The Baby Boy is on his last two weeks working at Butlitz and is looking forward to a bit of free time prior to his return to University. I believe we are in imminent expectation of a visit from the lovely M, when she returns from her sojourn touring Europe on the railways. Oh to be young, and carefree! I have to enrol at college on the 6th, and begin my course on the 12th. Everything seems to be tumbling along at breakneck speed now that the end of the summer is almost here. Could do with some sort of 'slow down' switch for a few weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those poor, neglected doggies! They look like they're in prison, waiting for the one hour a day they're allowed outside. :-p

Things are certainly moving quickly for you-never a dull moment, it seems!