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Wednesday 27 August 2008

tesco titters

In local Tesco last night, with two boys, and a trolley packed with goodies for a grown-up party. Boys kindly agreed to come with me to do all the heavy lifting. Marvellous. At the till the cashier said she couldn't ring my trolley through, because she believed I was buying alcohol for minors. She called for help, and an officious little git entered stage left and asked my boys for age ID. I said, no, no, these purchases are for me, my boys are not 18, they are here to help me. I have a painful right arm, and am not lifting weights at the moment, thankyou. He said, no we can't sell, I must see ID for these boys. I said, if you don't ring this trolley through I won't be shopping here again. He called for more assistance (duty Manager) who was accompanied by security and two other members of staff! Now 5 staff lined up within my own comfort zone, trolley blocking till aisle, and boys agog at developments! Same story - these goods are for me, my boys are my sons, they are not 18, they are helping me etc etc. No go. In a flaming temper I cried 'leave it boys, we won't be coming here again' and we stalked out of the shop with what dignity we had left. A calmer phone call later to the same Duty Manager when I said we would be making a very formal complaint. Bit of internet research today shows Tesco implementing their own laws regarding sale of alcohol to families and people accompanied by minors, which I had no idea about. Embarrassment and intimidation factor very high. No shopping for party achieved. Disaster score off the scale. Late night visit to Asda 15 miles away looking likely tonight...(without wicked underage boys obviously). I need to get a grip of my temper that's for sure...


Anonymous said...

that is unbelievable!! Seeing as how a lot of people have children, who may or may not have been left at home while Mom shops, that is pure discrimination, just because you have teenagers with you. It's out of control! What's next-will they be requiring children to have proof of identity with them at all times?

Anonymous said...

I looked it up, I still can't believe this idiocy!

Nick B. said...

Amazing! =:o J.D. Wetherspoons have a similar policy to this in pubs.

Suggest next time you go you leave kids in car. Make a point of asking at customer services before you shop that you are unable to lift and could they provide you with assistance to carry your purchase to car. When they get there ensure they see their happy smiling faces.

Was planning to go to Tesco tomorrow morning but think I will stick with Morrisons!

BlackLOG said...

This reminds me of the story of a "grandmother" yes I did say "grandmother" who a shop refused to sell drink to when she could not provide proof of age. They offered to sell the drink to the woman with her, who turned out to be her daughter. Ouvh for the daughter I guess.

P.S. I am not for one second saying that you remind me of a gandmother......

Cathryn said...

well hello everybody! Duty Manager phoned back today to say - bug off lady, you are not wanted here again - or words to that effect. Many thanks for not using Tesco in future - no-one I've told can believe it. Hello Nick - have a good holiday? Missed your humour!

Anonymous said...

such a ridiculous policy, I still can't believe the idiocy. Yeah, right, if I were going to buy illicit liquor for a teenager, I'd take him or her right along with me to pick it out and waltz up to the cashier with the kid in tow. Usually, illicit liquor exchanges are made with the teenager handing over the money furtively outside the store and waiting nervously for the buyer to come back out. Unbelievable.

This sounds like Tesco's is trying to cover their behinds for fear they'll be sued by someone.